Mega-600 Series는 split beam 구조의 분광광도계로 신뢰도 있는 데이터를 제공하며, 컴팩트한 디자인과 내구성이 좋은 분광광도계입니다. 측정 범위에 따라 190-1,100 nm 범위를 측정할 수 있는 Mega-U600 모델과 325-1,100 nm 범위를 측정 할 수 있는 Mega-V600 모델로 구분 됩니다. 또한 Multi-Cell Holder 를 기본으로 제공하여 더욱 편리하게 사용할 수 있습니다.
Local control software for photometric fixed wavelength measurement
Split-beam geometry to make accurate measurements
High performance fixed 2nm spectral bandwidth.
Low stray light 0.05%T (Mega-U600)
Wavelength accuracy ± 1nm (Mega-U600)
Holographic blazed grating 1200lines/mm
Easily upgraded to include quantitative analysis, multi wavelength spectrum & kinetics
Built in cell holder storage
Robust modular design with a small footprint
Can be used with LabPro®Scan software
Mega-U600 Mega-V600 Optical System Split Beam Geometry Light Source Deuterium &Tungsten Lamp Tungsten Lamp Detector Silicon Photodiode Wavelength Range 190 ~ 1,100 nm 325 ~ 1,100 nm Wavelength Accuracy ±1.0 nm ±2.0 nm Wavelength Reproducibility ≤0.2 nm ≤0.4 nm Spectral Bandwidth 2 nm Photometric Mode Transmittance, Absorbance, Energy Concentration Photometric Range -0.3 ~ +3.0 Abs Photometric Accuracy ±0.3 %T (0-100%T) Photometric Reproducibility ≤0.15 %T (0-100%T) Photometric Noise ≤0.001A (500 nm) Baselien Flatness ±0.002 A ±0.002 A Stray Light < 0.05 %T < 0.1 %T Dimentsions 476 (W) x362(D) x 225(H) mm